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Marble Maintenance Tips

- Feb 13, 2018-

One, diligent cleaning

We often use water or neutral cleaning agent, organic solvent cleaning surface pollution;

Dry and polish the marble with dry towels or paper towels. Sometimes it is found that marble needs to be deep and clean. Cleaning is far from enough for marble. In this case, it is not just a mild detergent that needs to be done. It is also necessary to consider the purchase of high quality marble cleaning products. We should follow the instructions from the manufacturer. When necessary, buy marble polishing agent to seal the marble.

Two. Don't be impulsive

Please do not long-term contact with strong acids;

It is not possible to use corrosive or irritating chemicals to clean marble mesa, such as tile cleaner, window cleaner and detergent. Mortar will also cause damage to marble, so try not to let the marble face contact.

Three, it should be cleared in time

I often avoid metal objects with sand and other hard objects directly the friction surface of microcrystalline stone;

For marble table stains must be promptly removed, especially those acidic (such as citrus juice, vinegar and wine) or oily substances, timely cleaning can ensure that marble is in a good state. If the stain is kept for a long time, the marble will be dyed or the degree of its smoothness will be affected. Do not put the high temperature object directly or long on the artificial stone table. Hot pots, hot pots or other overheated appliances that can be removed directly from hearth or oven or microwave oven may cause damage to artificial stone surface. Please use a pedestal with a rubber foot, or put a heat shield on the table.

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